
Showing 1–12 of 81 results

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    Early August
    ~Best-known Asian pear~
    (Nijisseiki) – Bold and refreshingly tart. A fine quality fruit. Skin color: green to greenish yellow, smooth with some lenticels. Size is medium. Flesh: white, firm, crisp, very juicy and sweet. Tree growth: moderate vigor, upright, productive. Heavy thinning required for best size. Storage life: about 5 months. Use Hosui, Olympic, or Shinko as a pollinizer.

  • Placeholder

    Early September
    ~Blushing Sweet~
    Fruit has a beautiful red blush over yellow skin. Flavor is like Bartlett. Fireblight resistant. Pollenizer use Harrow Delight and Barlett.

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    Alamar Peach


    Mid August
    ~A local heirloom variety~
    Alamar was discovered in 1940 in Winters, CA and was the 930th peach ever patented. This yellow fleshed peach has yellow skin and is highly blushed. First class flavor. A great option for storing in the freezer or eating fresh.

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    Ambre™ Nectarine


    Early August
    ~Unique flavor~
    Monam cv. Firm, large fruit. Sub-acid and yellow-fleshed with unusual floral aromas and excellent flavor. Skin is red to orange-red over a yellow background.

  • Placeholder

    Late August – Early September
    ~Refreshing with floral notes~
    Unlike other apples, less sugar needed when cooking as they are naturally sweet. Low acid levels make them slow to brown/oxidize – perfect for slicing in the morning and enjoying at lunchtime. Keep well in the refrigerator. Use Honeycrisp and Gala as pollinator.

  • Placeholder

    Late August
    Extra large, noticeably sweet and juicy fruit with a golden brown skin. Tree has moderately vigorous growth and is productive. Harvest is late season. This pear is a cross between Nijisseiki and Imamura Aki and is superior to Niitaka. Atago has a long and profuse bloom period, making it a good choice as a pollenizer. Very little thinning required for large fruit. Fruit hangs well on the tree.

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  • Placeholder

    Late September
    ~Sweet flavor of a Fuji~
    A full-colored, blush type without the typical stripes of a Fuji. Considered a dessert apple and will store a long time in the refrigerator. Thin skinned and a good crunch makes this an enjoyable sweet treat. Use Gala and Honeycrisp as pollinizers.

  • Placeholder

    Late September
    ~Sweet flavor of a Fuji~
    A full-colored, blush type without the typical stripes of a Fuji. Considered a dessert apple and will store a long time in the refrigerator. Thin skinned and a good crunch makes this an enjoyable sweet treat. Use Gala and Honeycrisp as pollinizers.

  • Placeholder

    Early September
    Bartlett-shaped, sweet fruit with a wonderful melting texture. Skin is yellow with a lovely red blush. Tree has very vigorous growth and is high-yielding.

  • Placeholder

    Mid July to Early August
    ~Most popular pear grown today~
    Picked green, but enjoyed when it ripens to a soft yellow, sometimes with a slight blush. Flesh is sweet and tender. Excellent fresh or canned. Fruit is large and appealing. Tree bears early, heavily and regularly. This variety is self-fertile in our area or add another variety for consistent production.

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    Bing Cherry
